
stressed for motivation and achievement



Seattle Public Library

Meet your new central library [Seattle Times]
Seattle’s new public library is an impressively challenging bit of modern architecture. I love a bit of bold, modern architecture as much as the next bold, modern architecture-lover, but I’m really not sure how I feel about this one. It feels like it should provoke a Marmite-like reaction, but right now I’m just trying to get my head round the photos in that article. :)



Silence is easy

Just the other day, I put my CD of OK Computer by Radiohead on the Playstation (I’ve got no other functioning CD player). Instantly, I was transported back to 1998 as the opening strains of Airbag reminded me of time spent in a social wilderness. Back then, I spent my evenings glued to the computer, doing one of two things: recoding a graphics editor for Grand Prix 2; or creating new tracks for Grand Prix 2. In essence, GP2 was my life and OK Computer was the soundtrack.

While I made some good friends over the ’net back then, I couldn’t face going back to that kind of life. To a large extent, this explains my recent lack of a weblog. Faced with a site that had degenerated into a boring personal diary, I’d been finding myself reading the web for no reason other than to find something blogworthy. What a waste of time.

Consequently, when I do get this site going again, adding an RSS feed will probably get a higher priority than adding comments. It’ll mean that I can feel free to add material as infrequently as I like without worrying that people are wasting time checking my homepage only to find nothing new again. Posts will almost certainly tail off to something more like once a week than once a day, but at least I’ll still be here. In the meantime, don’t hold your breath for the next missive. :)



Hopes and dreams

Private spaceship almost in space [BBC News]
After missing out on the moon landings by an accident of my birth, at last I get to see the birth of a new era in space flight, courtesy of the X-Prize. As inconsequential as it may be (when compared to other stuff happening around the world), this still manages to get me stupidly excited. I can't wait. :)



Slight return

Yes, the weblog’s back, but it’s gone somewhat lo-fi due to my loss of ASP and reluctance to recode in PHP. A major redesign was in the offing, but I grew bored of my output and decided to rethink the whole shebang. I’ve still not decided what I want to do (if anything). For the moment though, this gives me somewhere I can vent my spleen, should I need it.

And thanks to everyone who’s whinged about the site’s absence. You nearly spurred me into action... but not quite. ;)


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