
stressed for motivation and achievement




Why businesses should have designs on innovation [Guardian]
Not surprisingly, a recent survey conducted and published by the Design Council presents innovation as an essential part of any company’s survival strategy. While I’m sure it’s important, they really do put some ridiculous spin on their stats:

  • Almost half the companies which rate design highly have seen turnover, profits and competitiveness increase;
  • 40% of design-led businesses have seen their market share increase;
  • 70% say design has increased the quality of their products and services.

Now, let’s look at those stats from the opposing point of view:

Now how essential is innovation to survival, I wonder?



A reality check for personas

Ad-hoc personas and empathetic focus []
Don Norman brings a bit of balance to the area of user personas, advocating only a level of detail that actually benefits the design process. While I’ve yet to use personas at work, partly for fear of a negative reaction, this kind of article might just make it easier to convince people it’s a worthwhile exercise.



Cultural differences

Any time I simply can’t understand another person’s viewpoint, no matter how hard I try, I concede that it must be one of those cultural differences you just have to accept. Today, it looks like the majority of voting Americans chose to re-elect George W. Bush. Go figure.



“Jack of all trades”

Chris posts his first thoughts on San Andreas. Interesting to compare notes. I’ll have to write up my own thoughts at some point.


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