
stressed for motivation and achievement



35 hours a week?!

When I learnt that my new employer required me to work only 35 hours a week, I could hardly believe it. Surely that kind of thing only goes on in places like France? Well, no, it’s for real and it’s happening right here in the UK. It’s seriously weird working in an office that’s three quarters empty before 5pm. My last boss would be doing his nut! Can’t say I’d blame him either.



Sweet, sweet UI

Often, it’s the little touches in user interfaces that make you fall in love with them. Or at least like them (maybe not everyone’s as crazy as me). The video list in the latest version of iTunes contains a fantastic example:

Reflections underneath the video thumbnails in iTunes

Yes, they could’ve just listed the video names. They might even have shown just a list of thumbnails. Those little reflections underneath the thumbnails, however, give it so much more allure. Tis a beautiful thing. Shame it looks a bit crappier when you realise each row’s now 50% taller than it needs to be. Still, you can’t win ’em all.



Home-baked databases

Never again will I poke fun at a DBA who pipes up about referential integrity. Never again will I bemoan the sloth imposed on a database by strict constraints. Never again, m’lud, will I criticise Oracle.

Well, ok, maybe the last one’s a bit far fetched, but 2 out of 3 ain’t bad. I miss the safety net of a proper database. :(


IT straitjacket

I’m in shock. After a week of deliberation, my IT department’s just got back to me to let me know I’m not allowed to install the following, all of which is freeware:

If you’re wondering why I bothered asking them, it’s because my contract states I can be sacked for installed unauthorised software. I figured I’d better not push my luck (despite the harmless nature of the above) and requested permission. Perhaps more shocking than the refusal, however, is the reason given (which I had to press for):

[We] use licensed software and developmental toolbars for example are not the type of programs we welcome onto the network. We even remove the more mainstream toolbars from machines when troubleshooting. The guys in [R+D] I spoke to were not familiar with the software so we could not verify its integrity. Therefore to ensure security and because of the licensing we have to decline the request.

I’m not quite sure what they mean by “mainstream toolbars,” but that’s a minor point. What’s the deal with R+D not having heard of NUnit or FxCop, FFS?!?! Jesus, what a bunch of monkeys.



Big company bonuses

Tomorrow morning, I’ve got a meeting with my development team’s business analyst and usability expert. Yes, these are two separate people and yes, those are their job titles, not just one of their roles. I can’t begin to tell you how liberating this feels. At last, I’m working in a company where we can afford to employ people to deal with this stuff full-time. Not only that, but they appear to be bloody good at their jobs too.

If I ever I moan about any aspect of my new job—and I will; it’s in my nature—never let me forget the bonuses that came along with it. :)



Whispering in the workplace

At work, the developers’ room isn’t far off silent, save for the whirring of fans and tapping of keyboards. Some people even whisper when they do talk—crivens!

The question is, is it a sign of a focussed, business-like workforce, or does it hint at a worrying lack of collaboration? I’ve yet to come off the fence completely, but I know which side my agile buttocks are hanging.


No Clio Trophy for me

This weekend, the Mini got a substantial amount of TLC in preparation for exchange at the local Renault dealership. Sadly, it was all for nothing, as they weren’t willing to do a straight swap for a Clio Trophy. That’s despite the fact they could make money on it. Tight gets.

Never mind. At least I’ve now got me one helluva shiny Mini. And, for that matter, time to consider alternative replacements. Anyone got any decent suggestions in the up-to-15k price bracket? Used or new, I’ll consider either. Ideas in the comments form, pls. :)


Geordies 3 - 2 Mackems

Thank god for that. Twas a close one. Now, we’ve just got make sure we do the double. :)



Presenting: Gavin Hope

It’s a Team Game: an agile development weblog by Gavin Hope.

Yep, yet another mate and former colleague dips his toes into the waters of weblogging. Gav’s writing about being a team leader in a development team struggling to attain agile nirvana. It’s already interesting reading and I expect it to continue in the same vein.



Last-minute hedonism

Today was the last day of my extended break from the working world. So, what did I get up to to prepare myself for office life again?

  1. Had a lie-in till 10:30am. Always nice to start the day as if it’s Saturday.
  2. Filled in and dropped off a few bits of paperwork for my new employer (P45, all the usual).
  3. Carried on into Newcastle and took a Clio 172 Cup and Clio 182 Cup for test-drives. Very good fun. Shame the latter was orange, mind.
  4. Had a late lunch at McD’s: a Filet O’ Fish meal. Very nice, but too small. My first McDonald’s for about 3 years, I think.
  5. Went shopping for shirts and trousers for the new job. And came away with a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved tee. Ooops.
  6. Watched the final 4 or 5 episodes of 24 (series 1) while scoffing home-made lasagne. Double yum.

In other words, I simply enjoyed myself. I may have enjoyed today more than any of the days in the last 5 months. Pure hedonism. Something tells me Monday could be a bit of a shock... ;-)



Code reuse vs. YAGNI refactoring

TDD advises that you let duplication occur naturally before refactoring—for instance, to extract a superclass. That’s fine for the first two classes (the original and the duplicating class), but what happens when you get to class number 3? [more...]

You can predict that it, too, will end up requiring the functionality shared by the first two classes. For example, it may be a third wizard page you’re creating—you know you’re designing a wizard page, just like its forebears. However, as you’re diligently writing one test at a time for this new class, can you justify taking the leap to include all of that existing functionality without having already written tests for it? Or does your conscience kick in and force you to go through the rigmarole of duplicating all of that stuff again, just to prove that reusing the code is valid?

I guess there are a couple of things to consider here:

  1. How comfortable do you feel about taking the shortcut? Are you disciplined enough to make sure that you test all inherited behaviour on the new class?
  2. More importantly, which path is going to provide greater productivity? If there’s a non-trivial risk that early adoption of the superclass will adversely affect the quality and slow down progress, perhaps the better path is to duplicate after all.

Actually, I’m still not comfortable with this conclusion. Sure, productivity has to be the deciding factor, but it’s a judgement call as to how your decision will affect it. There seems to be no hard and fast rule—personal experience and confidence appear to be the key. Damn. One thing I am pretty sure of, however, is that if you’re going to get it wrong, get it wrong quickly. ;-)

Update: following some comments from Kevin Rutherford on the Stacking unit tests post, I’m rethinking what I’ve said above. Do I need to test all inherited behaviour on the new class? Probably not—I’ve already got tests for it associated with other classes. All I need to test is the various behaviours I’m implementing for the new class and they’ll be very class-specific.


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