
stressed for motivation and achievement



Winding down

When I lost, I figured I would take it as an opportunity to reassess what I really wanted to write about — and, indeed, whether I wanted to write at all. As I tinker here and there, the latter is still undecided, but it's becoming clearer that if I do continue to blog, it'll be on subjects that I genuinely have a passion for and enjoy writing about. In short, there's no place in the world for this catch-all, diary-like blog any more. Instead, I'll probably be splitting my time between the following two sites:

Motors & Me (feed)
Originally called Petrolhead and hosted on, I gave it up after failing to get past Round 3 of the Michelin Renault Scholarship. I now realise, however, that cars continue to be something that, even when feeling crap, I can get excited about. The only reason for the name change is that the Petrolhead name's already taken on blogspot. Still, I quite like my new design. :)
Minimal Cinema (feed)
In the final days of, the short film reviews were probably the most frequently updated parts of the site. I still enjoy watching films and talking about them, so I'll probably keep going with this one. I just need a new design. Maybe once I've rounded off the rough edges on Motors & Me.

See you on the other side.



MS Paint as you’ve never seen it before

Anyone familiar with Windows will know that MS Paint, the free painting package that comes bundled with it, is pretty limited. It’s hardly Photoshop. In fact, it’s hardly 1/10th of Photoshop. However, as this video of an anime drawing shows, pretty much any tool can give amazing results when wielded by a master. This guy has the best grip on Bézier splines I’ve ever seen. Unreal.


The Vagina Monologues

Well, it was good, but not as good as Talking Cock. Definitely more consciously theatre — more a performance — than the male offering, too. And definitely more aimed at a single sex i.e. not mine. At times, it was funny; at times it was harrowing. At times touching; and at times proud. Most of the time, in fact, it was proud. As a male audience member, it almost felt exclusive at times, but to be honest, I don't begrudge it that.

Overall, I guess I’d hoped it would have the same blend of wit and educational value as Richard Herring’s alternative. It didn’t, but then it was a pretty tall order.


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