
stressed for motivation and achievement



Attack of the Groans

Went to see Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones last night. Somewhat underwhelmed, I was. A film of great contrasts, it is. (Ok, enough of the Yoda talk.) Some of the acting and dialogue was comically poor while most of the special effects were excellent. I’ll spare you the details of the badness for fear of spoiling it for you, but here are some of the film’s strong points:

  1. The battles. These were awesome. I was totally immersed in the action and utterly believing of it.
  2. Yoda. This dude truly rocks and moreso than ever. His CGI is some of the best in the film.
  3. Jar Jar Binks. No, really! Improved animation, fewer scenes, and significantly less annoying than in Episode I.
  4. Anakin. Or more specifically, the fact that the plot unveils his path to the Dark Side. Probably the best bit of the whole film.
  5. Bladerunner. I thought I'd walked into the wrong screening at the start of the film. :)

It’s just a shame that these plus points had to be in stark contrast to some of the acting and, at times, the soap-like plot. Overall, 3 out of 5.

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