
stressed for motivation and achievement



Come the revolution

Revealed: How the road to war was paved with lies. Ok, who’s for starting the uprising? I’m sick to death of being lied to and manipulated by my own government. A government I helped into office, no less. I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more. But... I undoubtedly will. I feel totally powerless. :(

How does one go about starting a revolution, anyway? There are times when I loathe the power of the media, but this is surely one time when it’s the greatest asset we have. How about a few big-name journalists and celebs — not just the usual bolshy lot — kick things off by getting off the fence and declaring their opposition to those who supposedly represent us? Rally the troops and get a proper campaign going. Come on folks, help us out here. You can focus the mood of the nation as well as just reflect it.

Update: Okay, okay, I’ve calmed down now. Must stop drinking coffee.

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