
stressed for motivation and achievement



Second wind

Despite petrolhead having been consigned to an early grave*, part of it may soon live again. Actually, that’s a rash promise to make given my track record, but its commenting system kinda works now. The only thing that stopped me completing it was the fact that cryptic ASP error messages simply broke my will. Tonight, I beat them off with a big stick and found that I had been a mere typo or two from completion.

So... the upshot is that minimal may soon get comments too. Yes, I know I could’ve used an out-of-the-box solution, but they all looked a bit pants, or their code offended me, or they just seemed like too much hassle. Ha — the irony! And once I’m done with the comments, an RSS feed will be next on the list. That should publicise my neglect of this site quite nicely.

* Speaking of graves, did you see Six Feet Under on Channel 4 last night? Looks like the second series is going to be just as good as the first. Hurrah! :)

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