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It’s Everyone Pick On Microsoft week. Again.

When the whole Eolas vs. Microsoft patent infringement thing hit the headlines (on the web, at least), I was a little puzzled as to why it was only Internet Explorer who was being attacked. Surely almost every other browser going supports seamlessly embedded media? Surely they too will have to drop their support, modify their browsers, or pay big money to Eolas?

Well, yes and no. Most other browsers do infringe the patent, but Eolas is willing to let freeware off the hook, according to the latest SitePoint Tech Times. So that’s Mozilla safe, then. Opera and Safari, however, could be in just as much trouble as IE, albeit with a smaller user base and, I guess, smaller fees to pay.

Still, this leaves an interesting question. Why the hell is nearly everyone still rounding solely on Internet Explorer, ignoring all other browsers infringing the patent? Is the web really that anti-Microsoft?

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