
stressed for motivation and achievement



The Vessels

I first saw The Vessels live on my way to the Inspiral Carpets’ gig at Evolution earlier this year. Their blend of pop, rock and country was a really pleasant surprise and, although I only heard 2 or 3 of their songs, it was enough to get me interested.

Tonight, I saw them again, this time at The Cluny, under the Byker Bridge. This time, they were excellent. In fact, they were so good, I’m staggered they’re still playing venues as small as the Cluny (which, incidentally, is an excellent small venue). With any luck, the fact that they’re currently Mark and Lard’s single of the week should propel them towards the sort of recognition and sales that they deserve. Take my advice: use them as an excuse to try Virgin’s new try-before-you-buy listening posts. Highly recommended.

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