
stressed for motivation and achievement



There was a time when I cared, you know?

I’ve made a rule to not blog about political issues any more, as I’m sick to death of the subsequent frustration and feelings of impotence. I will only say this: I can’t wait for the next general election. Someone commented to me today that “Blair’s sure to lose the next election after this Libya stuff.” Ermmmm... hello? Have people really forgotten the escalating nightmare that is Iraq and all that went with it e.g. eroded human rights? I would list other controversial actions the government’s taken here, but I can’t think of any that compare. Well, ok, maybe there’s the mess in Afghanistan too, but only a small part of that is Britain’s, right? Just thank god you don’t live in these places.

Of course, I’m no authority on these topics. I can only make judgements based on what I see, hear and read and based on whom I trust. Which is another good reason to keep schtum. Incidentally, I did get the book of Get Your War On for Christmas and, yes, it’s very good. It even contributed to the landmine clearance efforts in Afghanistan. Maybe we’re not so impotent after all.

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