
stressed for motivation and achievement



Great with a bit of butter

Courtesy of me mutha, here’s a quick recipe for one of the mightiest cakes I know: banana loaf. Enjoy!


  • 8oz self-raising flour
  • ½tsp salt
  • 3oz butter
  • 4oz caster sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 2tbsp natural yogurt
  • 2 medium-sized ripe bananas


  1. Sift flour with salt. Rub in butter until mixture looks like breadcrumbs. Stir in sugar.
  2. Beat egg with yogurt. Mash bananas well and stir into flour with egg mixture. Dough should be soft but not too wet. Mix well.
  3. Turn into a greased 1.1lb (500g) loaf tin and bake at 180°C for about 1 hour or until cocktail stick comes out clean.
  4. Turn out onto wire tray to cool and leave for 24 hours before cutting.

Hi Mal

Fab. I love banana cake.

I was at the pub the other night and I got talking to this guy who actually does the filming for cooking on

He was trying to convince me that it was all done in the best possible taste. Well known chefs will be providing the receipies. This guy travels all over the place to film the tasty receipies being cooked topless.

I wondered how banana cake would be filmed?


Berb Brown
Mmmmm... topless banana loaf... :)
Very good point. Got a recipe? :)
I tried cooking the Figs in Pink Champagne from the so fab and quite seductive
Waheyyy I looked on that and made the Figs that you suggested. I must to try some more on there!!!!!!!!!!!
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