
stressed for motivation and achievement



The week: Monday

Last night, prompted by the prospect of publicly shaming myself, I discovered the secret to avoiding couch potatoness: turn the telly off. Yes, it seems it really is that simple. Choosing the radio instead, I was transformed from zombie to... something less zombie-like. I actually did most of the stuff I said I was going to do. Still didn’t do the ironing, mind, but we don’t want to overdo it, do we?

In fact, the bike even saw half an hour’s action last night before it got too dark to continue. Granted, most of the action involved avoiding parallel parkers, pumping up the rear tyre and getting the chain back on, but it was action nonetheless. Funny, the lengths you’ll go to when you want to avoid TV.

Of course, all of this was distinctly atypical. Maybe once I’ve swallowed my pride I’ll have a regular, unproductive night in. Until then, you’re going to have put up with me marvelling at my ability to do what most people consider the bare minimum. Maybe tomorrow I’ll even cook for myself instead of re-heating Saturday’s left-overs. ;)

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