
stressed for motivation and achievement



End of year report

Looking back through old posts when writing the last entry, I noticed I set myself a number of targets for 2004. Let’s see how I got on:

Proper walks involving proper hills: failed.
The most I did was a short but demanding walk in the barren hills to the north of Damascus. And Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh (big deal!).
Score or set up 5 good goals: failed.
I got one decent goal that I can remember. Maybe there were more, but I doubt it.
Ride bike more than twice: achieved!
I rode it at least 3 times. ;) And it now resides in the flat, so no excuses for 2005. Except for the ridiculously skinny tyres and unstable riding position, which make wet weather trips too dangerous.
Keep in touch with old friends: achieved!
Well, I met up with Mad. And Ruby. And visited Pete in Syria. Satisfactory, but still a lot of unticked boxes.
More trackdays: achieved!
I got two in, compared to the one I managed in 2003. Not a great improvement, but once the required budget for brakes became fully apparent, the purse strings tightened. :-/
Third round of Michelin Renault scholarship: achieved!
Admittedly, I totally blew it when it came to the crunch, but I got to the 3rd round, at least.

As Meatloaf says, 4 out of 6 ain’t bad. Well, he would’ve done if he hadn’t simplified his fractions.

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