
stressed for motivation and achievement



The Gascoigne Gallery

Damien Hirst, eh? What’s he good for? Popped into a small art gallery in Harrogate yesterday, intrigued by the notice proclaiming an exhibition of said artist’s work. And what did I see? Lots and lots of ‘paintings’ of concentric circles. Give me a pen and a set of compasses and I could knock one up in a few minutes. And I wouldn’t charge thousands for it.

On the other hand, the rest of the gallery was rather good, offering complimentary coffee and introducing me to the work of James Naughton. The dramatic lighting he captures in his landscapes is really quite something. The paintings are also quite deceptive. Stood at a distance of, say, 10ft away, they appear to be quite highly detailed. Close-up, however, all brush strokes are fairly sweeping and there’s really not as much detail as you’d expect. They’re definitely better appreciated at a distance. Sadly for me, they’ll be staying distant — £800+ is way beyond my budget.

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