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Coding standards

Last week at work, I was passed the company’s coding standard for C# and .NET. It was a Word doc, 28 (twenty-eight) pages long. It was supported by two other documents, one of them 10 pages and the other 18 pages long. Is it just me, or does 56 pages of coding standard / best practice sound a little OTT?

Worse than that, I found it disrespectful. Its excessively prescriptive nature implictly credits the developer with no common sense. How is that meant to build mutual respect, trust and team spirit? A 28 page document’s good for little more than rolling up and using to bash people over the head, IMHO.

Incidentally, I only found out there was a standard after having submitted my own. Mine was 1 page long. It said stuff like “Use FxCop,” “Turn on XML documentation” and “Format things the way Visual Studio does”. I know which standard I’d rather be maintaining, but I guess I wasted my time. :-/

Strict coding standards are great! The mean that code is produced in a consistent manner, so it's a lot easier to maintain. All the companies I've worked for with strict coding standards have them because they've learnt that they need them. Small, consistent teams don't need them because we all know each other's coding styles. What happens five years after someone leaves, though? It's no longer possible to go ask that person about the code, so you have to work out what it's doing. That's where the coding standard pays off.

BTW, if the team members use the coding standard all the time then they'll almost forget that it exists. Perhaps that's why no-one mentioned it.
Strict coding standards are only great when they are YOUR coding standard; Just wait until someone tells you to use two spaces instead of one tab for indenting.

Coding standards are necessary, but a document that long does seem excessive. Question: Do you have code reviews to ensure the standards are being followed? They must take ages if you have to go through a large document as well as all code.

Surely the fact they are so big lowers their overall usefulness?
Duncan, I thought you were being sarcastic when you started your comment, but as I continued to read, it dawned on me that you meant it.

In my eyes, strict coding standards are ok, but you don't need a 28 page document to be strict and comprehensive and it's good to have a little flexibility for common sense, anyhow. Saying "Use FxCop" does the job nicely. Better than having a large doc, in fact, as FxCop provides automated code reviews rather than the sort of drawn-out situation Andrew describes.

BTW, I had been shown a coding standard on my first day, but it was for C++, not C#. A lot of it just didn't make sense for C# hence me writing a new standard. Sadly, no-one told me that another team already had one that I could use.
For C++ my favourite coding standard is Herb and Andrei's book on the subject. That's a lot more than 28 pages but that's because it tries to explain *why* they say what they say, with examples. For my team at work I've copied out edited highlights of the bits I think affect the type of code we are currently writing and put them in a separate document, which is something like 8 pages long.

One of the main reasons I think this is a good kind of coding standard is that it says nothing at all about how you should name variables or what type of whitespace you could use. I couldn't give a monkey's about those things because I think that anybody using particularly obfuscated naming or formatting is clearly a cretin and won't get near my team anyway.

What it does say is how to design C++ code that is as reusable and as robust as possible.
Chris said: "anybody using particularly obfuscated naming or formatting is clearly a cretin and won't get near my team anyway"

Quality. :-) I nearly used that argument as a basis for only needing a lightweight standard in my original post. If you really need things spelled out to your developers, you've got problems in your hiring process.

Also, this again makes me wonder what really does belong in a coding standard and what just belongs in a recommended reading list. The standard I knocked together was more a description of a practical approach to writing the code rather than a standard per se.
BTW, that book sounds very good indeed. The contents page could stand alone as a decent coding standard, if you didn't want to weigh a doc down with the detail.
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I agree that a coding standard is necessary for a team larger than a pair, but 56 pages is ludicrous.

Use FxCop and write Unit Tests.
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