
stressed for motivation and achievement



Immensely poor timing

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Looks like my plan to go and see Ghost in the Shell: Innocence at the Tyneside Cinema tonight was somewhat flawed. Its run ended last night. I can’t believe I’ve been waiting for this film for so long and still managed to miss it. Gutted. :-(

Looks like you've got a few formatting problems for some reason... :-/

I reckon GitS:Innocence is a lot better than the first one to be honest. I've been wondering why it has been taking so long to come out on DVD over here. It's crackers that it has only just reached cinemas. The rest of the world saw it yonks ago!

Very tempting to give up waiting and plump for this import instead.
Bugger. So much for blog-by-email.

So, does this mean you've seen Innocence?
I'd like to say it's not really that good or you can just watch it on DVD, but having had the pleasure of seeing on the big screen I can safely say that this is one film you need to see on the big screen if at all possible (not trying to rub it in, honest!). Get it on DVD, turn off the lights and turn the sound up! Not sure it's any better (or even as good as) the first, but it's still bloody good stuff.
Mal, you might be the only person who *hasn't* seen it but wants to...
Oooh, woe is me! :(
Nope, Jogobom, I too haven't yet seen it - but I want to. I need to check the cinemas down here to see what the deal is.
Gutted. I'm happy to hear the Tyneside Cinema is still going though. Many happy hours spent in here. Aww.
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