
stressed for motivation and achievement



Richard Burns 1971-2005

Yesterday morning, while the rest of the country grieved at the loss of a former footballer with a drink problem, I sat in shock at the news that Richard Burns had died. I’m still devastated. I’d always thought surely it was only a matter of time before he recovered from the tumour and made his comeback. Alas, it didn’t work out like that. Man, life can be so random at times. :(

Rest in peace, Burnsie.

Left me shocked too. 34 is way too young to die. Also felt a bit sad that his passing was hardly mentioned on any news channel. Maybe there would've been greater coverage if George Best hadn't died the day before...
Just been flicking through the comments in the memorials section of his website. Maybe it's the fact I've been on the beers tonight, but this really touched me:

"Richard you inspired me to keep going with my driving when i had failed my test. Its only a small thing but it was important to me and it was your driving and courage that did it. You will be greatly missed and there is a star shining brigher than the rest in the sky.


Grief's a funny thing. I sometimes feel more for people I never knew personally than some I did. Maybe it's a matter of investing in personal dreams. I don't know.
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