
stressed for motivation and achievement



To claim or not to claim

On Saturday afternoon, I fell victim to a pair of charvers intent on a spot of happy slapping. Following a few decent kicks to the head, the end result was some memory loss (mostly temporary), 4 stitches in a bust lip and the loss of a front tooth. Well, it’s dangling right now, but it’s coming out on Wednesday. Bummer, no?

Earlier today, my dentist recommended I claim for compensation to pay for the dental work, but I’m not so sure. I hate the compensation culture taking hold in this country. The only people who should be compensating me are the idiots who kicked me in. Neither the general public nor the police were responsible. What right do I have to expect them to pay for my medical costs? You could argue that by paying my taxes, I’m as entitled to it as anyone else, but it just doesn’t sit comfortably with me. What do you think? Should I claim? I can afford not to...

Right, let's put this one to bed: I'm fine. Only one person at work even commented on my fat (and rather crimson) lip - and he just thought I'd been chewing on a red biro like a five-year-old. LOL. :)
I might actually start carrying a metal-tipped cane about with me, at least try to crack a few skulls (inevitably) going down...
Most people's problem with a compensation culture is where the claimant is arguing that they deserve money where they don't have an automatic right. It sounds like you do, so that should be fine.

The other consideration is any possible court case. If you don't claim for compensaion, it will aid their case because it will look like your injuries weren't that bad. Claim, and give it to charity.
After all the feedback, I think I probably will claim in the end. I'll use whatever I get to pay for the dental work and if there's any left over (not sure it works this way), it's going to charity, as MattS suggested.
Bloody Nora. What's the world coming to? As a "liberal" I'm sure I'm supposed to be concerned about what drives kids to such things and what must they be missing in their home lives?

However, the more instinctive parts of my brain think the little f**ks should be locked in a light-tight box for a week... with their parents.
BTW, now I've calmed down a bit, I do think you should claim. The irony is that if people don't use the service (regardless of need) then it will be withdrawn and people who really do need it will suffer more in the long term.
I'm with Chris' first comment.

Get well soon, Mal, I'm very sorry to hear about this. You'll have to come down to visit soon so that I can protect you ;-)

As for the compensation thingy. I'm not sure. I'm generally against it. I like the charity idea though.
Man, that's rough. Hope you get better soon. FWIW, I'd definitely claim for compensation (knowing how much dental work costs).

P.s. cheers for book!
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