
stressed for motivation and achievement



Web development books going free

I was about to give these to a charity shop, but figured they’re more likely to find a good home if I advertise them here. (If anyone from Newcastle New Media is reading this, feel free to stick a note on there too.) Drop me a line if you want any of them:

P.S. I’m relying on you not to just sell them on Ebay, so please don’t bother if you’re just out to make a quick buck.

Both of the database books have now been claimed. First come, first served for the others. :)
Dammit, you're asking me to critique books I'm trying to get shot of. Well, of the 3 remaining books, I'll say this:

Defensive Design for the Web: it's okay, but it feels like fairly lightweight usability advice to me. Plus, much of it won't be relevant to a brochureware site, like your first version.

Designing with Web Standards: I've not read all of this, so I don't know how good it is. I just know that I didn't feel the need for it once I'd started. The take-home message seems to be, unsurprisingly, to design to web standards (formats). It doesn't matter which ones; just use one and conform to it. Sites like w3c will give you a lot of help in verifying your work. See the links in the Technicalities section of my sidebar.

PHP Fast and Easy is crap. And old. There, I said it. Even so, it could still prove useful as an absolute beginner's introduction to the language. And you can read it in bed. :)

Hope this helps. Remember, they're all free. If you don't like them, you can always just pass them on again.
Defensive Design for the Web now also claimed by the man from xlab - he say yes.

Cath - you'll have to be quick if you want either of the last two. :)
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