
stressed for motivation and achievement



Battleship Potemkin at Swan Hunter

Went to the free showing of Battleship Potemkin down in Wallsend last night, along with 14000 or so other middle-class hippy liberals. At least, that’s how it felt. As one of the local chavs quipped to his mates, "What I want to know is, how much did they have to pay them to come to Wallsend?" I was actually quite impressed by the insight and wit, but he still got himself a police escort for it. ;)

As for the film, it hardly gripped me. Not in the way hypothermia did, anyway. I was impressed with the director’s cutting and camera angles — all very modern-looking and quite sophisticated for a 1920’s film — but it was more of a historical fascination than a genuine involvement in the story. The music did help, though, neatly building the momentum and tension at the relevant points. And I can now say I’ve seen the Pet Shop Boys live. Overall, it was an interesting night out rather than an unforgettable experience. Still, not bad for a £2.50 Metro fare.

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