
stressed for motivation and achievement




Last night, at work, my boredom dedicated, hard work was interrupted by the sound of a gentle thud against the window. I looked up, but saw nothing. Then there was another. And another. And another. And...

Turns out a small flock of long-tailed tits had gathered in the trees outside and they were rapidly getting to grips with the concept of glass. In fact, two of the younger specimens had already succumbed to its transparent trickery and were lying dead on the pavement a couple of storeys down.

While I did feel a little sorry for these dumb creatures, I was fascinated to see Darwin’s theory of natural selection in action. If they can’t learn from seeing their buddies snap their feathery little necks, do they even deserve to survive? I’d wager not. Tits indeed!

P.S. Apologies to all readers expecting to see, or at least read about, a nice pair of breasts. Better luck next time.

P.P.S. Apologies to all readers offended by the previous apology.

I've little experience with tits thudding against the window, but I'd imagine that it would be quite gentle.
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