
stressed for motivation and achievement



Dianne Mather

Earlier today, I learnt of the death of an old school friend. An email came round at work, telling of a charity dress-down day in aid of the Dianne Mather Big Heart Trust. Instantly, this caught my attention — I’d been to school with a Dianne Mather and it can’t be that common a name. Sure enough, after checking the website, I confirmed that it was indeed the Dianne I knew. Not only that, but she died last year from congenital heart disease. *sound of jaw dropping*

I have to say, I was truly shocked and saddened. While we never exactly hung out together, we had plenty of good mutual friends (including one I dated serially ;) and got on well enough. She even got in touch via Friends Reunited a few years back, but being the lazy sod I am, we never met up, as she was living in London. Hindsight’s a wonderful thing, but I do wish I’d made the effort now. I had no idea, at the time, that she had any sort of health issues. Amazing that I never knew, really...

Anyway, why post about this to the weblog? Well, mostly as a release for me, but also to improve her site’s findability. Google seems to know nothing about “Dianne Mather”, but maybe it’ll find this cunningly-titled blog entry. Anyone looking for the trust should find it then.

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