
stressed for motivation and achievement




Here’s a quick quiz for all you internet hypochondriacs... name the ailment:

Sharp pain in ball of foot, near base of middle toe, when walking
Usually just the pain — no associated bruising
Pain comes on quite suddenly
Wearing thin- or soft-soled shoes
Walking quickly / taking long strides
Walking on uneven ground
First painful after Geneva Motor Show weekend (mid-March)
Aggravated the problem many times since then, but just limped till it calmed down
Aggravated it badly this last weekend walking across a campsite (I’m rock, me!). Very sharp, persistent pain (even when not stood) and medium-heavy bruising (photo)

So, what do you reckon? 50 of my special Internet Quack points for the first person to get it right. The real doc’s verdict should be in by the end of the week...

I'm pretty certain it's an alien colony hatching in your foot and preparing to make a world takeover bid by launching from between your toes.

Mind, I'm not good at doctoring at the best of times...
Metatarsel is all the rage
Have you trodden on a sea urchin?
Trust me, Mad, if there's an alien colony between my toes, it's almost certainly dead by now. ;)
Is it an old war wound flaring up again? From your days in the Corps?
It's probably the same thing thats been lurking on my head for the last fortnight and is only now starting to clear up.

Gah! At least I can keep mine covered up and out of sight. No offence, like. ;)
and the verdict was....?
...slow to come through. :( Still haven't heard, so might have to get another appointment just to chase it. :/
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