
stressed for motivation and achievement



The day I realised Visual Basic and Javascript had grown up

Yesterday, I wrote a couple of macros in the Visual Studio IDE for the first time in ages. This brief moment of respite from C/C++ exposed me to Visual Basic — or perhaps a stripped-down version of it — for the first time in ages too. Last time I used VB in anger, it was still at version 3.0. I made a damned fine Minesweeper clone, mind. Aaaah... memories.

Anyhoo, I was struck by how much it’s changed from what I remember. It all looks properly object oriented. It’s nice. It’s actually nice. :-O Maybe I need to brush up on this stuff. Whatever, it was a (comparative) joy to work with, even if it was for only half an hour.

Similarly, I recently read a post on that showed a bit of Javascript code using the Yahoo User Interface library. Again, it’s a long time since I used Javascript. Last time I did so, browser-sniffing was still de rigeur and standards-compliant browsers were a distant dream. This blog post, however, gave the impression that the future had arrived. The code was clean and remarkably simple. It, too, was nice. :-O

Part of that’s down to the library, of course, but just seeing someone use getElementById without fear of cross-browser problems was new and exciting. Damn, I really should stop writing off the technologies that cause me grief. Tomorrow, they might just be the perfect tool. :)

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