
stressed for motivation and achievement



Red^H^H^H Green or Dead

Yonks back, I wrote a massive blog post about how Wayne Hemingway consistently impresses me with his attitude, politics and... ermmm... attitude. Because I took too long to write and edit it, however, it stopped being topical and the post was never published. This time, I’m not gonna let it slip.

Wayne Hemingway is cool. Whereas last time I was impressed with his attitude towards pretentious foodies, this time it’s the environment; in particular, the role that wind farms have to play in our future energy mix. He sums up my own stance almost perfectly with the following:

I don’t care if there are cheaper forms of non renewable energy out there, [the wind turbines’] real impact is that these mesmerizing structures show that the energy industry is thinking about our futures.

Replace “the energy industry” with a more general “people” or “the government” and I’d be happier. Basically, I feel we need wind farms so that the idea of greener energy is more firmly rooted in the public consciousness. The energy industry might see them more as a good PR move than an expression of ideology, but the more we see them, the more we’ll accept the need for them and the sooner we’ll adjust to a world in which they’re commonplace. All of this crap about them spoiling the environment is just that: crap. Sure, they’re different, but they’re hardly harmful. Get used to their presence and you won’t even notice the damned things any more. In short, get over it.

If you want to do something a little different this coming bank holiday weekend, why not check out what’s on for Wind Weekend? I wish I could report that the Blyth wind farm is taking part, but it appears we’re not so enlightened on the PR front. Maybe your area’s better. As for myself, though, I suspect I’ll be in at work. Unless some sort miracle happens this next week and we actually release our software on time, that is. :(

I agree. I think wind farms are quite beguiling and I think anybody who says they are noisy can't ever have stood near one - I find the noise rather soothing.

As you say, they are a visible reminder of the need to embrace new forms of energy and a celebration of having done so.

On the continent they make visitor attractions out of them - 'Windparks'.
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