
stressed for motivation and achievement



The world has gone mad

Hey kids! Not happy with your healthier school dinners? Here’s an idea: get your mums to go to the chippy for you! What dedication to a child’s needs! They really are super mums.

This may not be as simple as it first seems. It's not just chips they're buying them, some parents are feeding them ham salad rolls through the fence. The key element of madness is captured in this quote:

"By the time the children have queued to get their lunch they haven't time to eat it."

It's not the content of the food that is the main issue here, it is the inability of the school to feed its pupils effectively in the time available.

At Joanne's school the school dinners are run by a private company and they schedule it based on every child taking 20 minutes to come in, get their dinner and eat it. Any stragglers put the following group behind. Their lunch break never finishes on time and kids are late into class every day.

It's particularly bad in her school because the PFI (Private Finance Initiative) build provided a dinner hall that is too small to fit in the number of kids they need in each 20 minute slot. They have 10 tables set up outside the hall and it is still not enough.
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