
stressed for motivation and achievement



Border Reivers

Not long back, I waxed lyrical about Carcassonne, a great little board game. I considered it the perfect game for getting people back into board games, as it’s quick and simple to play, but with enough strategy to engage you properly. I’m starting to tire of it a little now, though, and I’ve got a new favourite. While it might sound like ass-kissing, given that its designer is a good friend, I can’t get enough of Border Reivers.

A game of Border Reivers in progress

Although Reivers is a more strategic game than Carcassonne, I like it for the same sort of reason: it’s well balanced. There are many strategies that can lead to a win, so you never feel like you’re stuck in a losing position. Designed for 2, 3 or 4 players, it’s the 2-player game that’s my favourite — the straight fight. Even though such games normally last around 40 minutes, last night, a friend and I had a marathon battle that lasted over 2 hours. I normally hate long games, but this one was like reading a good book. I just couldn’t tear myself away.

Of course, I lost in the end. :)

Still, I enjoyed last night’s game more than I’ve enjoyed a board game for a long, long time. Credit to Jack — he’s put together a cracker.

Thanks for the tip-off about Jack's game. I should keep more up to date with what he's doing...

BTW, did you know Carcassonne and some other board games are being ported to Xbox Live Arcade?
I mention this because I like to encourage people to buy Xbox 360 and make sure Sony are beaten before PS3 even launches... ;-)
Thanks for the plug, Mal! I've just got back from another convention, and I had a couple of really good games too - right down to the wire :-) In the end I lost both of them - but won others. I sold a copy too :-)
Nope, Chris, I didn't know that. Interesting, but it won't make me buy a 360. I've still got enough to play on my PS2. :)
Look into my eyes, you want an Xbox 360, into my eyes, not around the eyes...
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