
stressed for motivation and achievement



An evening of Singstar Legends

Singstar LegendsAfter an evening of great fun, terrible singing and much hilarity, I’m relieved to say that the money I spent on Singstar Legends wasn’t wasted. Granted, I had to get the beers in to loosen up, but once going, there was little that could stop Grant and me — we proceeded to murder song after song. ;)

I have to say, I now have a much greater respect for people who actually can sing. It’s not as easy as it sounds. I’ll bet our neighbours can testify to that too. It does help, however, to know the song inside out. Grant fairly excelled at Roxanne (not least due to his willingness to mock Sting’s screaming) while I felt most at home with Enjoy The Silence and This Charming Man.

The one let-down of the evening was the fact that one of the microphones simply stopped working. Bummer. That put a swift end to the duets and 2-player battles. Still, it was enough of a laugh in single player mode. We’re mostly still playing on the Easy level, but then our voices and abilities kind of demand it. Really, we need a detached house to make the most of it. Had we really gone for it, you can bet we’d have been slapped with an ASBO; although we would’ve improved much faster.

Anyway, if you’ve got a PS2 and don’t mind having a go at karaoke, I can highly recommend it. I maybe wouldn’t get Legends first, though — I only did so to try to entice my dad into playing (and failed). Something like the 80’s version looks much more singable for a 30-something. Speaking of which, I think I might just have to put that on my Amazon wishlist... :)

I concur. I have a couple of the earlier iterations. Value for money is questionable since each new "game" is really just a new song pack for the same game, but top fun. The only problem is that Joanne actually can sing so she hands my ass to me every time in 2 player.
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