
stressed for motivation and achievement



George Monbiot, motorsport, the environment and me

I’ve not read a great deal of George Monbiot’s writings, but what I have read (in the Guardian and Observer), I’ve found quite interesting. I’m not 100% sure whether he deserves total respect or whether he’s an unbalanced fanatic, but I do enjoy his articles nonetheless. This just made a piece he wrote in the Observer Sport Monthly even harder reading:

Some sports are simply incompatible with any likely solution to the problem [of global warming]. The most obvious example is motor racing. There is a direct relationship between an engine’s performance and the amount of greenhouse gases it produces: the faster the car, the quicker it cooks the planet.
[Taken from How Sport Is Killing The Planet]

It is, I guess, a harsh truth. I really can’t justify my double standards when it comes to motorsport. Certainly not while we’re putting carbon from fossil fuels back into the atmosphere. At the same time, however, I can’t give it up. Well, I probably can, but I really don’t want to. Perhaps it really is time for Grant and me to start our own chip-fat-powered Mini race team? Would that assuage my guilt?

I'd be interested to know how much it would cost the motorsport industry to offset their carbon emissions.
Surely it's travelling slowly in traffic jams that causes the most pollution. Maybe if people had faster cars, and used them to effect, we wouldn't have the pollution problems we do. And anyhow, the figures are always skewed. People spend too much time looking at C02 figures. Taking all greenhouse gasses into effect, cars are responsible for a tiny, tiny percentage of the world's overall pollution.
That's as may be, but it's a percentage I can directly affect.
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